Presentació BIOSPAIN 2023

El dia 17 de gener de 2023, es realitzarà la presentació oficial de BIOSPAIN 2023, organitzada per AseBio i Biocat. Per primera vegada en 20 anys, se celebrarà a Barcelona, l’epicentre de la biotecnologia a…

Bake Sale per col·laborar amb Babies Uganda

Ens plau anunciar que la nostra propera venda de pastissos serà el dimecres 21 de setembre de 9:00 a 11:30 h, a l’entrada de les Torres R+D+I pel carrer Baldiri Reixac. Aquest…

Community Dynamisation Page

Community Dynamisation MenuNetworkingTraining and workshopsHealth, wellbeing and work-life balanceSustainabilityContests Networking Coffee Connection Quarterly networking event for the whole PCB Community. During the two-hour event, new members of the PCB Community...

Home Page

  Artistic contributions at the Barcelona Science Park   Wide technological offer and high added value services   High-quality spaces and facilities   Parc Científic de Barcelona Annual Report 2023...

The Barcelona Science Park takes part in the European Researchers’ Night Blog Post

More than 130 students from five educational institutions attended the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) today to take part in the Matí de la Recerca, an initiative developed as part of the European Researchers’ Night in Catalonia (EuNightCat). The latter has grown since the previous edition, running a series of activities on 27 and 28 September. The European Commission promotes the European Researchers’ Night project within the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme, seeking to bring science and technology closer to the general public, break stereotypes about researchers and encourage young people to pursue a career in research. Around 300 European cities celebrate the European Researchers’ Night on the last Friday of September.